Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Oh I wish it could be Christmas every day...

No.  No, I do not.

I am so very bloated.  I ate so very much and drank so very much I think once a year is quite enough Thank You Very Much.

But it was awesome.

Lily is a gift

We made gingerbread houses

Of course, once again, Christmas was celebrated on the 23rd because of work.  I ended up being on a 3 day trip from 24-26 Dec, but we had a nice crew BBQ up in Cairns on Christmas Day, and the Captain bought us each a bottle of Moët! 

D wanted an official photo of our first Christmas but this is the closest we got 

Despite working over Christmas, I still managed to decorate the aeroplane...

...Which gave me great pleasure! 

 Now that Christmas is over, I really should stop eating so much.  And start doing some more climbing.  Unfortunately, my roster hasn’t been very friendly towards climbing recently, but tomorrow morning we have an early East Beerwah planned.

In other news, we may make a trip to Ireland & the UK in September/October 2019!  Woo!!!

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