Wednesday, January 23, 2019


This morning, I got up at 0430 to go climbing with Tash.  It was another very early start due to my reserve starting at 0800, and after the inevitable coffee, I opened the garage door to reverse out my car ready for Tash’s arrival.

Then, I received a text saying she would be ten minutes late, so I went back into the house, leaving the garage door open.  Ten minutes later, I finished loading the car, hit the door switch to open the garage door, jumped into the car, and started reversing.

Except, apparently when you hit open twice, the garage door actually closes.

And my car always beeps frantically when I reverse in the garage due to C’s shelves being so close at the back.  

And when I suddenly realised, and the beeping went BEEEEEEP, and my slightly befuddled morning brain coordinated with my foot to hit the brakes, it was too late.

My poor house.  Or rather, my poor garage door (bent and bruised) and my poor car (scratched).

When I called D in a tizzy, and he came immediately over, he said he expected it to be FAR worse than it was - although I did explain I wasn’t moving very fast at the time!

The outside

The inside, with D trying to unbend it

Working hard some four hours later

He did a pretty awesome job.  Although the garage door will never be the same again, it is almost completely functional now.  That big steel T bar is the final hurdle as he wasn’t able to fully bend it back, so he has now gone in search of a new one - which apparently we are getting for free!  

I was going to go with him, but H wants me to go view a house with him, so when I get back from that, the garage should close again!  Luckily C is also home and can babysit the wide open door in the meantime...

Oh yes and I still went climbing, as D persuaded me I should

Most of the way up Tibro 

Anyway.  Today has been quite interesting so far...  let’s see how it ends up!

I haven’t mentioned on my blog yet, but C is moving out tomorrow, so that has been quite a shock and is the end of an era.  Shock is probably the wrong word as he has wanted his own house for two years, and has been actively looking for six months - but when he announced his moving, it was still unexpected!  

Tonight, we are having our Very Last Cheese Night As A Family Plus D (hehe) so that will be nice, at least!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Dave! The world should be more thankful for engineers
