Wednesday, April 3, 2019

My second housemate moves out today, which signals the end of an era.  My first housemate moved out at the end of January (he bought a house) and was efficiently organised in the weeks proceeding the move.  Everything was boxed up, everything was carefully loaded into the Ute for the minimum number of trips to the new house, and the move proceeded to schedule.

My second housemate decided not to pack.  He scheduled his move for yesterday and today (he got the keys two days ago) and decided just to throw things in the back of the car and “the house isn’t far away” so it didn’t matter how many trips (but every trip takes thirty minutes out of the day in driving alone).  He got side tracked during the first trip and spent a few hours at the new house cleaning gutters and so on.  He got side tracked on the second trip with multiple phone calls (at his usual top volume) to friends, and so far he hasn’t moved anything out of his bedroom at all.  (“I’m just going to tip the drawers into the boot.”)

He got a phone call last night from work asking him if he could do an overtime shift, so this morning he has gone to work, leaving him just the afternoon to move house.  I’m not quite sure how he is going to do it, considering he hasn’t even put his pantry contents into a box yet, or packed Anything At All from his bedroom.  But we shall see!  It is all quite amusing watching the process - and I am systematically going through my cupboards and putting his things on the spare bed as I know he will forget them otherwise!

In other news... there is no news.  I go back to the hospital this morning to have my splint amended - then another two weeks splinted and two weeks after that doing exercises and then hopefully back to work!  Lily isn’t going to know what hit her - she is loving having me home and trails behind me every time I move off the couch.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am remiss in having only just read this post. That means I have not checked TOR for several weeks. Does this mean I do not care? I hope not!
