Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A very small update

There is very little to say!  Since my last post, I have been home, waiting for this small child to arrive, and trying not to go completely mad.  It helps that I am an introvert - although an extroverted introvert most of the time (yes, that’s a thing).  Up until last week, I was swimming most days at Settlement Cove in Redcliffe.

During the week it has been very quiet and gloriously relaxing to paddle around without feeling the weight of my ever expanding middle.

However, last week the weather changed to about 10Degrees colder (so still mid 20s) and it doesn’t really feel like swimming weather any more.  Now, I’m trying to go for a walk twice a day to try to walk Bub out!

Lily is loving all of the walks!

I am now 39 weeks and 3 days and The Child is due on Sunday (Mothering Sunday).  It is definitely becoming a little concerning with the virus around so I am not going anywhere with Concentrated People, like shopping centres, for the foreseeable future.  There doesn’t seem to be much if any research on the effects of this thing on newborns, so better safe than sorry!

We are hoping that The Child decides to grace us with her presence soon - I’m not sure I can get much bigger!  But they won’t book an induction until 40+10
which I believe is 1 April.

We shall see...


  1. This post was written a very long time ago and before there was a visible M. So what happened next?

  2. Did that M ever come? You'd not know if you relied on this blog to "keep family & friends informed of my actions/movements on the other side of the world" !!!!
