Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye, 2017

2017, you suck.

Here I am, on the cusp of a new year - is that the right word? - and I've watched the first sunrise of 2018 and although it was beautiful I just feel this dread inside me of not knowing what this new year will bring.

What do I want from 2018?  What do I expect?  I don't think I know, but I do hope that it's a good year.  

I haven't made any resolutions.  I have hopes, things I want to do - but the inevitability of life keeps happening outside of my control.

So I raise my figurative glass to 2018, and I say Bring It On - but not too much at once, because my basket is already pretty full with Life Things.  So maybe just Bring It On Gently. 

1 comment:

  1. According to Google a cusp is "a pointed end where two curves meet". For the archetypal cusp Google "cusp in a teacup", then make yourself a cup and see if you can find it - you need sunlight. Thinking of the years as two curves works and I guess 2018 will happen (or not) whether you like it or not. I yearn, hope, wish and pray for the very best for you in this new year. With love as always...
