Tuesday, September 21, 2021

It is eerily quiet in my house, because the spawn is on her way to daycare with David.  If all goes according to plan, 2 full days spawn-free are ahead of me.  Today, I plan to go for a run, give the dog a haircut, and attempt to tackle the wreck that used to be our front lawn.  When the pool was put in, the lawn was used first as a pathway, then for a crane to rest once then to deposit crusher dust and gravel, and then for tiles to be cut and tile glue to be both mixed and apparently poured out on the long suffering grass.  All of that to say, it now looks like a building that site with a few tufts of grass poking through.  I haven’t got a clue how to fix it, but someone suggested starting by bashing at it with a steel rake, I’m good at bashing, so I’m gonna do that.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

Yesterday I took the spawn to a dance and play cafe and we overstayed our welcome and she got overtired and only napped 20 minutes.  It always seems like a good idea at the time - oh she’s happy enough, I’ll chat for another few minutes… and then we always end up regretting it!  At least it meant an early night and then Dave and I were able to actually enjoy our dinner (lamb Rogan Josh) in peace (in front of Blindspot on Netflix, in case you’re wondering).

It’s a strange feeling when the spawn is gone.  On the one hand, I LOVE having the day to myself, being able to do anything and everything (within reason as technically I’m on reserve).  But at the same time, the weird brain response that is Mum-hood deeply misses the tiny tyrant.  It is SO needed, this break, but those little cheeks are oh so kissable.

(Having the best time climbing on her Whatsie play couch)

(making a god-awful mess in my house while I tried to fold laundry)

In other news, I have zero idea how to properly format these posts using the Blogger website on my phone rather than an app, so I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with some left aligned, some Centre aligned, and pictures simply plonked down where Blogger decides to put them. 

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