Monday, July 18, 2016

Ireland day 1

Here I am, in Ireland, and so far it has been warm and sunny and ever so pleasant.  In fact, given my experience so far, I would move back in a heartbeat.  However, I have to remind myself that this is a rarity - it does rain 95% of the year...

I woke up gloriously early yesterday to see the dawn view of the Wicklow mountains.


The window reflected rather badly though.

Day 1 in this superbly green country was lovely.  I got up nice and early (unlike anyone else because apparently people sleep a lot over here).  I spent a lot of time researching laptops (not finished yet) and did a tour of the grounds... Just in case I forgot where everything was (it hadn't moved) and Ruben enthusiastically gave me a tour of the goats.



We also drove into Naas so that I could buy a SIM card, and Tesco refused to sell me alcohol with my Aussie license saying it was "against store policy but I should go to O'Briens because they would allow it."  And then refused to let my friend buy it either because she could be buying it for the hideous foreigner she was accompanied by.

In the evening we had present-opening and thankfully all of the nieces were enamoured by their presents.

(HH in all its glory)

I am, however, definitely missing the small dog.

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