Sunday, December 23, 2012

Surfing yesterday was really fun, I think I already mentioned this. And I ache. All over. Aaaargh!!! And sitting on an airplane on my way down to Sydney, the beach feels eons away! (Yes, I am talking time wise)

Day 1 of 5 (at least it's not 6), 2 sectors down, this paxing flight is taking forever. I do a lot of paxing at the minute. In fact, it is so much the norm that the Ireland trip didn't seem too bad - although that ole upgrade helped :)

Tonight I'm overnighting in Sydney, with a gloriously late report tomorrow - 1350! All of my previous Sydney overnights have been earlies, so this is sweet! Not sure what I will do for the whole morning, but sleep is pretty high on the agenda! I've also got to source some mince pies for my crew - after all, it is 'Christmas' !

Then tomorrow it is off to Canberra, for the night of the 24th. I'm not sure what the hotel offers over Christmas, although we have been told we can get Lunch for 150 dollars! Whoop-dee-do! Free drinks! Except we are on duty directly afterwards, so we can't - and who spends 150 dollars on lunch anyway, even on Christmas day? I reeeeally hope the usual room service is available... and the barman did promise me free drinks... but that was made almost a month ago so he's probably forgotten :)

Tonight should be fun though, as I've got a good crew, and there is another crew overnighting in the hotel as well. Party time :). Wondering when to pause the pre-Christmas diet and call it Christmas!!!

In case I don't get back on here before the 25th (I get back to Brizzy at 2100 that day), Merry Christmas to all you who approve - and for all those who don't, have a most amazing bog-standard Tuesday!


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