Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Lap and Water Dog

The small dog has a tendency of gravitating onto people's laps, making of herself a squirmy licky nuisance, and general couch potato-ing.  I have hundreds of photos in my library to describe this.

 Lily asleep

Lily snuggling new friends

Lily curled up in blankets or sun baking by the window.  

And yet when you take her anywhere near water or birds, she goes completely feral.  It's like a switch flicks in her tiny little brain and she remembers that she isn't just Cavalier, but also half-poodle.  Those birds are for the TAKING, and the lake is MINE.

Spot the dog?

No really, there's a dog in this one too - the picture is because I didn't know what the rows of canvas were for, but there is also a dog.

A little easier to see

I'm not cold, Mum, even if I'm shaking so hard it's difficult to get a focused photo.

Oh the filth.

This is all well and good except that she ends up wet, filthy and shivering, and I have to donate my hoodie and carry her half of the way home because her tiny skinny frame is shaking so hard I'm afraid she might implode.

Just a disclaimer: I did not make her do it.  In fact I encouraged her away from the water several times previously and then just sighed, and thought I'd film her investigating... and it all went downhill from there.  We ended up rambling all through the back of Capestone as the building site is no longer fenced behind the newly opened lake/puddle.  Lily had a blast of a time, I managed to keep track of her almost all of the time and only slightly panicked once, and no ducks were actually harmed.

1 comment:

  1. Lily clearly has inherited a bit from her maternal grandfather - the mud bit that is - as for the dog-in-photo puzzle, it would help if your blog pics were higher resolution as its hard to distinguish dog from mud, but I'd say on road under to to left of large pile of dirt, and at far side of canvas thingy towards the right of the pic. Marks out of 10?
