Sunday, June 3, 2012

My new pad

Apparently the landlord has accepted our application, and we are now officially moving to Northgate!  Of course, we haven't sent off the final paperwork or paid a deposit yet so there is the possibility that it falls through - but hopefully that won't be in the case.  In the meantime, I'll post a few pictures of the new gaff!
The front (below there is a large garage/storage area, and probably lots of snakes and spiders)

the garden at the back:

two views of the main living area:

the second upstairs living area (I don't have a picture of the living area downstairs): 

my bedroom (won't have that bedding):

the main bathroom:

Sorry, I don't have pictures of the other 3 bedrooms, bathrooms or kitchen!  Suffice it to say, I'm really excited that we're going to be moving there!


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